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Create discount codes for your store

Terminal now allows you to offer your customers a fixed value, percentage, or shipping discount on products on sale on your websites.
June 29, 2018
terminal app

To create a discount follow the steps outlined in this article:

Step 1  (Discounts): From your Terminal Dashboard, navigate to Discounts.

Step 2  (Create Discount): From the Discounts page, click Create discount.

Step 3  (Discount Code): In the Discount code section, enter a name for the new
discount code. To generate a random discount code, click Generate code.

Step 4 (Minimum Requirements): In the Minimum requirement section, select
minimum requirements for your discount code. For example, you may want to set
a minimum purchase amount before the discount can be applied or a minimum
number of items that must be bought before the discount can be applied.

Step 5 (Customer Eligibility): In the Customer eligibility section, you have the
option of selecting specific customers for the discount, or making the discount
available to anyone shopping on your website.

Step 6 (Usage Limits): In the Usage limits section, you can set a limit on the
number of times a discount can be applied by customers in total, or limit
discount usage to one use per customer.

Step 7  (End Date): Finally in the End date section, you have to set an expiry
date for the discount using the calendar. You can also select an expiry time on
the selected expiry date.

Once you've completed all the required fields, select the save discount button
at the bottom of the screen to save the discount, and it's ready to be used!

All created discounts should now be available for you to view in the main Discounts
section. To modify the preferences for a discount, simply select the discount and modify your previous settings.